Donate and save lives!

Total collected:

€ 2.345.987,-

Your donation enables support for the

Armed Forces of Ukraine

Donate by paying via the Tikkie button below or directly into our Dutch Bank Account with: 

Stichting Protect Ukraine

IBAN NL15ABNA0116070684


Save lives with Protect Ukraine

Contributions are used to buy vital supplies such as drone components, medical kits, tents, trauma packs, various types of body protection, pick-up trucks, tools for infrastructure reconstruction, and more.


Donate by paying via a Tikkie below or directly into our Dutch Bank Account with IBAN NL15ABNA0116070684 for the attention of Stichting Protect Ukraine.


NB: Please note that we are unable to retrieve contact information from donors, and as a result, we regret to inform you that acknowledgments or thank you messages cannot be sent following a donation.


Protect Ukraine operates as a non-profit organisation with an ANBI status. All our members serve as dedicated volunteers. Our primary aim is to guarantee that your entire donation directly aids in obtaining materials that serve the well-being of Ukrainian civilians and the armed forces.


Protect Ukraine, like most charities, started with appealing to family and friends for financial support. The response was overwhelming and the Fund grew rapidly in recognition of methods of direct support to the Ukrainian army. Many well known writers joined us on the convoys to Ukraine delivering cars and writing about their experiences, helping us to generate public awareness for our work and the endurance of the Ukrainian people. 

Today, more than 7500 people supported us with donations of anything between € 10 and tens of thousands of Euros.

After a visit to the Dutch Parliament in 2023 and on the initiative of Protect Ukraine, a motion was proposed and accepted by the Parliament to help Dutch NGOs which help in Ukraine and which work directly together with Ukrainian partners. We are in the process of presenting a proposal to apply to this government fund.

The collected money was used to bring 500.000kg of fishing nets from the North-sea to catch drones and protect lives.

A few exceptional donations we like to mention: we received a message from a notary that a deceased man in the East of the Netherlands left a serious part of his inheritance to Protect Ukraine. A young couple marrying in May 2024 informed us that they wanted no presents on their wedding day but to collect for Protect Ukraine and De Leeuw Kyiv.


A woman celebrating her 80th birthday declined gifts but collects for Protect Ukraine. Next to that we have a few very serious donors. Without all our donors we could not do the work we do. On behalf of the Ukrainian soldiers and their families we thank all our donors for their great and generous support.


The Stichting Protect Ukraine is recognized by the Dutch Tax Administration as a so-called ANBI, which means all gifts are tax deductible. Some of our donors even commit by a gift-agreement to donating 5 years, which makes their gifts even more tax deductible.


We hope and trust that this senseless war may end soon. However, the work of our fund will continue long after the war when our efforts will be directed at cleaning Ukraine of mines and supporting rehabilitation and therapy for the military and their families.

Become a volunteer

Like all organizations such as ours, we could not function without our volunteers who spend limitless time and efforts, without any material compensation, to help to prepare and to get materials to the front lines in Ukraine. Like all of us they share the conviction that this battle is as much ours as it is that of the Ukrainians.

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IBAN: NL 15 ABNA0116 0706 84
KvK: 86276700
RSIN: 863917756